what goals do you have for your career, relationships, health, and free time?
My Approach
I see coaching as a creative partnership in which you and I engage in a dynamic exploration of your goals and dreams. It's a practice grounded in trust, powered by curiosity, and designed to elicit awareness, clarity, and the confidence you need to create positive change in your life.
What We'LL DO
We'll be curious and present as we identify your aspirations, and we'll notice what comes up as we move toward them.
How We'll Get There
I’ll use rigorous questions, active listening, and keen observation – all the classic coaching skills. And I’ll invite you to use vision boards, journals, archetype cards, articles, quotes, somatics, and other tools that engage your unique learning style(s) to inspire and inform our work.
What You'll Gain
In your inner teacher and intuition. Awareness. Clarity. Action steps. Confidence.

employing a coach is a creative and collaborative relationship that focuses on incremental and continuous change.
- Kate Burton, Coach, Author