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Don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or would like more information about coaching packages!




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–Barak Obama, Former President

What fears, judgments, and stories may undermine your goals? 


Where are our sessions held?

Coaching is done virtually on Zoom. This allows us to work together from anywhere in the world. 


How often will we meet?
Every two to three weeks.


What is coaching?

Coaching is a partnership in which coach and client commit to the dynamic exploration of a client's goals. The practice is grounded in curiosity, trust, and openness to change. It's driven by a client's future goals (more than a coach's expertise) and is designed to develop awareness, clarity, and the confidence to create sustainable, positive change.


Who benefits from coaching? 

Coaching benefits clients who seek positive change, and alignment with their goals and dreams. It's a practice that's useful at all life and career stages. Coaching is particularly helpful during times of transition when distractions may make it hard to stay connected with goals.


What can I expect from you as my coach? 

It's my responsibility as a coach to use powerful questions and active listening to support you as you seek to identify, clarify and achieve goals.


What is my role as the client?

It's a client's responsibility to share meaningful goals, consider new approaches, try new behaviors, and commit to action. Both coach and client are responsible for creating an environment that is open and honest, and in which feedback is a welcome and integral part of the process.


How is coaching different from psychotherapy?

Psychotherapy explores clients’ emotional lives over time, often with a goal of healing from past difficult experiences. Coaching is goal-oriented and future focused. Similar themes may come up in psychotherapy and coaching but the focus is different.


How is coaching different from mentoring?

Mentoring is advice centered. Mentors may offer guidance based on their personal and/or professional experience(s) whereas coaching is driven more by what a client’s goals and aspirations are and what expertise s/he seeks to develop.


How is coaching different from consulting?

Consulting focuses on solutions. Often consultants are expert in the field(s) they’ve been asked to advise on. Many coaches have areas of expertise, but coaching assumes that clients are “creative, resourceful and whole” and that, with thought partnership, can create their own solutions, develop the expertise and create plans to achieve their aims. 

Let's begin with a free, 30 minute discovery call session where we can explore your aspirations and how I can support you in reaching them.

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